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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why am I waking up so early at 4 in the afternoon?

6:15 Friday morning in Taipei (4:15 Thursday afternoon back home) and I am completely awake.  All my stuff is intact, undoubtedly because I slept on it last night.  Messenger bags do not a great pillow make and suitcases aren't awesome footrests when you're lying sideways on a sofa, but I'd rather be a little uncomfortable than completely relieved of all that I currently possess.  Honestly, I'm surprised I fell asleep at all.  It was only the second time I've ever slept in public (after a power-nap during finals week in the Union at UT), and I managed to wake up every hour on the hour to turn over and give one of my sides a break for a short while.  That was until two fellow loungers decided to bombard my dreamless rest with an early morning palaver about international politics, finance, travel and abortion.  (Not something to which I generally like to be awaken.)  But I'm surprisingly refreshed-ish and those seven fitful hours of sleep should tide me over till tonight.  I CANNOT fall asleep before then or else jet lag will take me over completely and I'll never get used to the time change.  But tonight I will sleep in a real bed in Hanoi and it will be absolutely heavenly. :)


  1. Glad you still have all of your luggage and internal organs! Post pics of Hanoi soon.

    Love you, sister <3

  2. You can do it! Push through the jet lag!

    On an opposite note I think you'd find interesting, I'd like to inform you you are now an Ophiuchus instead of a Sagittarius (

    And I am now an Aries. And Cassie is a Libra. I wish you were here so we could pull out your astrology books and figure out what our new personalities are supposed to be!

  3. Ophiuchus? Really? That is so much less cool than Sagittarius. But you would definitely be a good Aries...and Cas would actually make a good Libra...Hmmm. Permaybehaps there is something to this. ;)
