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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The time has come, the Walrus said... (Addendum 3)

To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings.

The time has come for my last post on Vietnam and Cambodia.  It's going to be, more or less, a scrapbook of my favorite photos and experiences.  Aussie Sue asked me on my last day in Hanoi what my favorite experience had been.  I was at a loss.  There were so many things I saw and did and ate and felt, it feels impossible to pinpoint a trip highlight.  But I'll try to narrow it down to a basketful of personal picks.

Cambodia was incredible.  Angkor, breath-taking.  Ta Prohm left me in awe.  This temple is definitely my favorite from our Tet-cation.  Vietnam is more difficult.  Five weeks...I don't know if it's possible to choose just one thing that stands out above all the others.  My first xe om ride?  The chocolate buffet at the Metropole?  Visiting the Temple of Literature and buying calligraphy along one of its walls?  Discovering the Buddha Forest inside the Fine Arts Museum?  Figuring out the bus system for the first time?  Taking my walking tour of the Old Quarter?  Watching Little Britain with Kyle and Roman after dinner and over Bailey's?  Seeing The Maltese Falcon at the Cinematheque?  It's probably going to sound like a corny cop-out, but I think the best part of my trip was meeting and getting to know so many amazing people, whether local, tourist, or ex-pat.  I'll be forever grateful to my favorite paternal uncles for opening their home and their lives to me.  Thanks, choo.

Dear Hanoi, I miss you. Do you miss me? <3 Mary

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Check Out My Sweet Grill (Addendum 2)

In addition to the doors, Hanoi and the surrounding areas were chock-full of amazing iron gates and grillwork--on windows, doors, fences.  They seemed to be everywhere and in more colors and styles than you'd think one city could (or would want to) produce.  These are just some highlights.

First up, windows--the eyes of the house...too melodramatic?  Well, tough.

Ah, Bat Trang. How quaint you are.

Incense village revisit.

Gates!  The...okay, I've got no good (or even bad) analogy for this one.  Just enjoy the pretty pictures.

These blue and white tarpy mat things were all over the place.

They look like evil eyes!

I think I took this the day I got stuck around Hoan Kiem Lake. Even in my fury, I had to appreciate some cool visuals.

Bat Trang and its hand-printed clay/coal fuel.

Mas incense.

Grill caked in incense dust. Yums.

I <3 you.

And as a special treat, here's some Cambodian grillwork.  I know I'm awesome.  You don't have to say it. ;)

Outside Buddhist temple.

At the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.

Cas and I went to Charleston yesterday to pick up her sister Kris from the airport.  While driving around the historic district, we saw so many beautiful gates and wrought iron decorations on the mansions.  It really took me back.  I'm wondering how long things are going to remind me of my Vietnamese and Cambodian travels... hopefully there's no expiration date on those memories.